Friday, August 17, 2012

Day 3 & 4 - Much Ado About Something.

Sorry I missed last nights entry. I was so tired that I was in bed and asleep before the wife (that NEVER happens). Yesterday was virtually uneventful. I did however follow the caloric intake and I think you will all be very pleased by the grand total. I have been pretty consistent with changing the channel when I see a food commercial winding up on the TV, unfortunately I usually end up seeing another commercial for hot, happy gob stuffing on the next channel. Have yet to hit the pool, dunno why not aside from simple laziness. (Yet another reason I'm in the shape I am) Think I'll make an attempt to check it out this weekend. I would say tomorrow but I would like to spend a little bit of time with the wife before she takes off for the day.

Today on the other hand was HUGE! Woke up and received a call from my insurance provider...We are good to go for the procedure. I immediately called the surgeon and, of course, got voice mail. So I left a message letting her know the good news and went about my day. She called later, but I missed her call. Her voice mail was awesome though, she is good to go, and just needs to set a date! WOOT!

 I met a challenge head on and DESTROYED it! I am an avid movie fanatic and I am a believer that movie snacks are a MUST for the true theater experience. Movie popcorn (medium, I'm not a complete glutton), Soda; usually a cherry coke, and a confection of some fruity sort. Seeing as how none of the aforementioned items are chock full of protein and are under 300 calories they no longer make the cut. I went and took in The Expendables 2 and Total Recall with my new "movie buddy" today. Folks I'm not going to lie to you and say it was easy, no problem, in and out unscathed, because that would be horse shit.

I walk into my local Cinemark, ready to see all the explosions that Micheal Bay can muster (He didn't direct the films)  I saunter to the ticket booth and purchase my tickets for both movies, as one was directly showing after the other, and then make my way to the Holy Land, also known as the concession stand. The aromas of hot, buttery movie popcorn, sweet and salty kettle corn, nachos with that processed cheese sludge from a can, and greasy roller hotdogs assaulted my nostrils like the first wave of marines hitting the beach at Iwo Jima. I was faltering. But I looked to my right and saw a liter bottle of DASANI water staring at me from behind the frosty glass of the refrigeration case. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the large packet of Crystal Light fruit punch, and steeled myself. I purchased the water and moved on.

With water in hand, and nothing more I made my way to the theater and made it through the first movie with little issue. The second movie on the other hand...It was as if every person in the theater had their very own large popcorn and jumbo 50 gallon drum of soda, and they were all eating and slurping in unison. It was maddening! But I hunkered down, dug deep and sat through the rest of the show without incident. Now I don't mind telling you I beat feet outta there quick, fast and in a hurry come the end of the second film, but I had made it. I made it through 2 movies without a sugary, salty, fatty treat. I'm pretty happy about that. That's much ado about something folks.

If you made it this far, you earned the following -

8/16/12 calorie count

Breakfast - Protein shake: 230
                  Protein bar: 210

Lunch - Protein shake: 230
             Protein bar: 210

Snack - Protein shake: 230

Dinner - Stir-fry vegetables with boneless pork roast: 220

Grand Total - 1330

8/17/12 calorie count

Breakfast - Protein shake: 230
                  Protein bar: 210

Lunch - Protein shake: 230

Snack - 1 cup carrots with 1 Tblsp ranch: 170

Dinner - 4 oz Boneless Pork Roast:  280
              1/2 cup steamed broccoli in cheese sauce: 45
              1 tsp mustard: 3

Grand Total - 1168

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the good work. Keep posting...I want to know that you're doing good.
